Michigan State University Packaging Society
As the MSU Packaging Society (MSUPS), at Michigan State University, we aim to provide a platform for companies to network and engage with students within the School of Packaging at Michigan State University. Our goal is to give companies and passionate individuals the opportunity to present about their presence and impact within the industry while also making meaningful connections with our students.
We typically meet every other Tuesday and host a variety of companies to show students the vast opportunities available within the packaging industry, as well as put on various social and networking events for students to connect with industry and their peers. MSUPS offers an excellent opportunity for students to further develop their professional network and fosters an exciting environment for companies and industry professionals to connect with Michigan State Packaging students.

We’d love to hear from you! Contact us with your questions, comments and suggestions.
Facebook: MSUCoPPAC
Instagram: @msupackagingsociety
LinkedIn: LinkedIn.com/company/msu-packaging-society
Email: rso.packagingsociety@msu.edu
President: Addie Yakubison, yakubis4@msu.edu
Vice President: Ella Yakubison, yakubis5@msu.edu
Treasurer: Abby Losey, loseyabi@msu.edu
Secretary: Mary Jordan, jorda184@msu.edu
Co-Fundraising Chair: Patrick McLaughlin, mclau253@msu.edu
Co-Fundraising Chair: Brooklynn Cooper, coope586@msu.edu
Media Chair: Linda Dang, danglind@msu.edu
Merchandise Chair: Jeongin Choi, choije10@msu.edu
Internal Affairs Chair: Ella Berecz, bereczel@msu.edu

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Room 100
448 Wilson Rd
East Lansing, Michigan