Instagram Posts/Takeovers
There are currently two options available to connect with MSU packaging students via social media. The first option is a single post on our Instagram page. The second option is a full-day “instagram takeover”, where you can send us videos and photos that will be posted over the course of a day on our instagram account so students can see.
Through using a “day-in the life” of an intern format for an instagram takeover significant interest in both co-op and internship programs can be generated
Increase number of applications to internship and co-op positions by including a QR code or link in a post that directs students straight to the application site
Promote upcoming internships and full time job opportunities as well as include other information about your company
Reach a broad range of students from all grade levels
Company Atrium Visits
During an Atrium visit your company will be able to set up a booth (similar to a career fair) in the School of Packaging atrium and interact with students throughout the day.
Promote upcoming internships and full time job opportunities to students from all grade levels.
Talk directly to students in person and be able to answer any questions they may have about your company
Be able to inform students about your company, showcase recent innovations and projects, and highlight company values, sustainability efforts, and company culture
High amount of exposure
Build connections with MSU packaging students in a more causal environment